10 customer reviews


Fox Company, 502nd PIR, 101st Airborne Division “Screaming Eagles”


During WWII, the paratroopers of Fox Company took part in three of the main campaigns in Western Europe: D-Day, Market Garden, and the Battle of the Bulge. Their efforts and sacrifices ultimately helped crush the armed forces of Nazi Germany. This book will give you an astonishing insight into the characters of these highly trained WWII paratroopers who fought so gallantly during this war.

The historical narrative of Fox Company is based on numerous resources that have never been published before, which makes these stories and the company’s combat record unique. These are the untold stories of the men who saw the war up close and personal. Their accounts show the whole gamut of emotions a combat soldier experiences: from his fears, suffering and the anxiety of engaging with the enemy, to the humor, comradeship in despair and mutual bonds. The unique pictures that accompany the written words will leave a lasting impression on you.

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  1. Tom Timmermans

    “From Frying Pan to Mittersil Fox Company, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment 1942-1945” heb ik met veel belangstelling en plezier gelezen. Het boek is op een niet alledaagse manier samengesteld door auteur Jos Groen. Hij heeft namelijk alle denkbare informatie die er beschikbaar is met betrekking tot de “F” company van het Amerikaanse 502e Parachutistenregiment verzameld en eerst systematisch geordend om er daarna een lopend en leesbaar verhaal van te maken. Met feitelijke vastleggingen in ochtendrapporten en met verhalen uit brieven en interviews die van meer emoties zijn voorzien, wordt een zo volledig mogelijk verhaal verteld van de eenheid die begint bij de opleiding in de States tot aan het einde van de oorlog in West-Europa. Persoonlijk vind ik het verhaal van sergeant Charles Dohun die een legerarts onder schot dwong om zijn zwaargewonde compagniescommandant LGrand Johnson tóch te opereren, de parel van het boek. Dit verhaal kende ik al sinds mijn jeugd uit de film “A Bridge Too Far” en uit het geschiedenisboek van de 101ste Airborne Divisie “Rendezvous With Destiny”, en nu las ik het tot in alle details.
    Persoonlijk vind ik het gebruik van de vele voetnoten een goede keuze van de auteur. Ik wil namelijk steeds weten wat de bron is van ieder verhaal. De lezer kan er voor kiezen om het lopende verhaal van de Fox Company door te blijven lezen of, zoals ik vaak, de voetnoten er op na slaan om nog meer details en de vindplaatsen van het onderwerp te weten te komen. Ik raad het boek aan voor iedereen met belangstelling voor onze Geallieerde bevrijders en in het bijzonder het onderwerp (Amerikaanse) luchtlandingstroepen.

  2. Donald van den Bogert

    Really enjoyed reading the new book by LTC (Ret) Jos Groen on Fox Company 502nd PIR, 101st A/B Division. “From the Frying Pan to Mittersill” is meticulously written with perfect attention for detail and the much beloved “small unit scuttlebutt” which tales, legends, and very quotable stories are made of. A great addition to the overall picture and the rare jigsaw puzzle of the under researched 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment. Great to see so much addition, and confirmation, to my personal research. References are clear and plenty, Mark Bando had a heavy hand in sharing pics from his collection. With Terry Poyser’s (and Bill Brown’s) book on F/506 we are now waiting in anticipation on a book about F/501 to complete the 101st A/B Division “PIR F-Co trilogy”.
    My advice: get the book and follow F/502 from the first Paratroops Parachute Infantry Battalion days in the US in March 1941 to VE-Day in the ETO in May 1945.
    “F-Company did it!” (veteraan- en company legende, Joe Pistone)

  3. John De Neef (geverifieerde eigenaar)

    22jaar terug alweer kreeg ik contact met een veteraan van Fox Company 502.Alvroeg raakte ik bekend met de gevechten en namen van deze compagnie.Dit boek van Jos Groen was dan voor mij de kers op de taart!Aanrader voor iedereen die geinterresseerd is in de krijgsgeschiedenis van de onze bevrijders.

  4. S Page

    “From The Frying Pan to Mittersill”, the story of the men in Fox Company, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment 1942-1945 by LTC Jos Groen MSc, is a literary monument honoring the bravery and devotion to duty of these men. It is well written and organized from the formation of the company to the end of World War II as told by those that returned from their commitment to do whatever was required to liberate Europe. The details in all the richly described and very personal stories of many of the Fox Company paratroopers make this of interest to families, friends, loved ones and others interested in WW II paratrooper stories. Their stories are presented with respect and honor. The commemoration of those that gave their all is especially well done throughout the book and honors their service in a way rarely achieved in historical books. For years, my family only knew a few details of our Uncle’s service and untimely death until the story of Fox Company was documented and published. With this book, several of the mysteries that surrounded the death of our uncle, SGT Garson “Bull” Durham at the Battle of the Bulge, are finally unveiled which gives us all some peace of mind. Jos Groen’s commitment to honor the sacrifice of these men by name and story is a special tribute to them and a stark reminder that “freedom is not free”.

    S Page, Colonel, US Army Retired

  5. Dave Mustow

    This book is really really good !!
    You feel like you are with the guys when they tell their stories .
    Well done mate !

  6. Ilya (geverifieerde eigenaar)

    Bij ontvangst van het boek was ik al aangenaam verrast door de grootte en prachtige kaft. Een kwaliteitsnorm dacht ik meteen bij het eerste aanzien. Maar het gaat om de binnenkant van het boek en vanaf de eerste pagina wilde ik door blijven lezen. Heel goed geschreven door Jos en zo goed dat de details niet alleen bij je binnenkomen maar ook blijven hangen. Het boek is een zeer welkome aanvullling op mijn gestaag toenemende collectie oorlogsboeken. A must read wat mij betreft!

  7. Philippe Pitton

    There is a lot of airborne ww2 themed documentation, some bad to very bad. And some very good. This good documentation allows us to deepen our knowledge of our favorite themes. During this past year, I have long studied the history of the F/502. This company, like others, has a rather incredible history. Luckily for me, it is that during my research, this new book has been published. This book, written by historian Jos Groen, retraces absolutely the entire course of F/502 during the Second World War, from the training for the last days of the company in Austria! Documents never published, embellished with the testimonies of veterans of F Company with whom he had the chance to be in contact with. To all those passionate about the history of the elite troops that were the American paratroopers during the last world war, I can only recommend this incredible book!

  8. frank marchese

    “This recently released book by Jos Groen traces the exploits of Fox Company, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne during World War II. The book presents a narrative of the heroic actions of the paratroopers of Fox Company from D-Day to Market Garden to Bastogne and beyond. Jos Groen has gathered an immense, thoroughly researched, and organized tribute to the extraordinary bravery and feats of the young men of Fox Company.
    Jos has accomplished this daunting task using many sources. He has used interviews of record as well as personal interviews with the still living Fox Company Paratroopers or their family members. In addition, there were Company Morning Reports, newspaper clippings and documents to sift through. Jos also gathered surviving photos from like- minded researchers or the Paratrooper’s family members.
    This is where I came in. My father, Frank Marchese, was in Fox Company/502. I met Jos online on Facebook as we had common interests in WW II. When Jos said he was compiling information on Fox Company, I mentioned I had several photos and stories passed down to me from my father. I was very excited to hear of Jos’s efforts on his new book. Even though my father didn’t talk much about the war in my younger years, he started to share stories with me over a beer when I was in my fifty’s.
    I never grew tired of hearing his personal stories whether they be sad or humorous. I was honored that Jos took an immediate interest in those stories as well as my father’s photos. My father had the presence of mind to write on the back of many photos describing circumstances of the photo. He would send the photos back to my mother for safe keeping.
    Through this book Jos has cleared up some unanswered questions and mysteries concerning my father and his “Brother’s in Arms” exploits
    during WW II. These were indeed gallant members of Fox Company/502.”

    “I am honored to have collaborated with Jos in the production of his book. Seeing my father’s pictures and related stories was an emotional and uplifting experience. I was excited to see some my father’s photos of the other identified Paratroopers of his unit also in this book.
    Most if not all the Eagles in this book have soared. Their experiences will be remembered, thanks to Jos, for future generations as they indeed should.
    I plan to give copies of “From the Frying Pan to Mittersill” to my father’s Grandchildren and Great – Grandchildren. They are also keenly interested in “Great Frank’s” experiences during WW II.
    The book itself, from Flying Pencil publishing, is a well-made, handsome production. The pages are printed on heavy quality paper and even has its own bound bookmark. There are numerous photos, maps, personal stories, and bios. The book is supported by an immense library of footnotes which follow each chapter. The footnotes cite sources and clarifications and other interesting information. It is most worthy of a tribute to not only the Screaming Eagles of Fox Company but to Jos Groen’s tireless research as well.
    I will treasure my copy forever.
    Frank Marchese (Jr)”

  9. Richard McBride

    Over the years I have heard many of the stories from Uncle Dan. But I had no frame of reference as to when each story (or battle) took place. So this helped me understand the timeline and the magnitude of these battles. Just before I read the book, I also watched Band of Brothers movie, so between your book and that movie, I could better visualize what my Uncle must have endured. Then when you add to it the descriptions from other soldiers in the same battle, and the descriptions of how bad those battles were, it really made me appreciate what these guys did. Thank you.

  10. Kees Meijer (geverifieerde eigenaar)

    Een fantastisch geschreven boek. Veel informatie en persoonlijke ervaringen van de troopers. Deze combinatie zorgt ervoor dat je wordt meegenomen in de geschiedenis.

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